The head of the department: Mikael Ginovyan, PhD
The laboratory doctor: Ruzanna Petrosyan
Chemist-Technologist: Gayane Kirakosyan, PhD
Department of blood components procession has been operating since 1971. At the beginning the production of fibrinogen and isogen serum were implemented, which was widely used in country’s medical centers and hospitals. Further anti-staphylococcus plasma and small amounts of fibrin sheets were produced.
From 1975 till now the department has been focused on production of anti-D (Rho) rhesus immunoglobulin. Anti-D immunoglobulin is used for prevention of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN). HDFN is the result of immune-mediated destruction of fetal or newborn red blood cells when such cells contain antigens that are not present in the maternal blood. Before the child’s birth it is called erythroblastosis fetalis. Without treatment it can turn into anemia, hyperbilirubinemia and death. Prenatal and afterbirth injections of anti-D (Rho) rhesus immunoglobulin help to prevent Rhesus isoimmunization for almost 100%.
Therapeutic indications of anti-D (Rho) rhesus immunoglobulin
- Postnatal prophylaxis. During 72 hours after the birth of a rhesus-positive child, those rhesus negative women who do not have synthesis of anti-D (Rho) rhesus immunoglobulin are required to receive a preventive injection of anti-D (Rho) rhesus immunoglobulin.
- Antenatal prophylaxis
- Planned antenatal prophylaxis
- Antenatal prophylaxis following complications of pregnancy including: Abortion/threatened abortion, ectopic pregnancy or hydatidiform mole, intrauterine fetal death (IUFD), transplacental haemorrhage (TPH) resulting from ante-partum haemorrhage (APH), amniocentesis, chorionic biopsy, obstetric manipulative procedures e.g. external version, invasive interventions, cordocentesis, blunt abdominal trauma or fetal therapeutic intervention.
- Treatment of Rh(D) negative childbearing age women after incompatible transfusions of Rh(D) positive blood or other products containing red blood cells.
Anti-D (Rho) rhesus immunoglobulin is widely used in maternity hospitals of Armenia and Artsakh. There is no other country in the region which produces this product.