The head of the Serological laboratory: Gayane Gevorgyan
The serological laboratory is equipped with high-quality equipment from leading manufacturers of modern laboratory analyzers («Abbott AXSYM», «Architect i1000SR», «Abbott CELL-DYN 3700 System»), which ensure the high quality of laboratory examinations. Biomaterials of Abbot and other certified companies are used for calibration, laboratory quality control and monitoring of materials in the serological laboratory.
Serological laboratory carries out the blood samples examination of patients and donors of Hematology center as well as other medical centers in Yerevan (“National Center of Oncology after V.A. Fanarjian”, “Arabkir”, “Erebouni”, “Yerevan”, “Sourb Astvatsamayr” medical centers).
High qualified laboratory physicians work in the laboratory and have the appropriate certificates for their positions.
The following examinations (tests) are done in the serological laboratory:
- Immunoassay method of HIV screening tests for both HIV 1 and HIV 2 antibodies
- Viral hepatitis В and С (HBs-Ag, HBс-Ag) detection tests using protein antigens for diagnosing viral hepatitis В and HС antigens
- Detection (screening) for Brucellosis, Toxoplasmosis, Chlamydia, regular and genital Herpes virus, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus
- Detection (screening) for sexually transmitted infections: syphilis, ureaplasma, and mycoplasma
- Determination of the level of folic acid, homocysteine, ferritin and vitamin B12