Stem Cells Laboratory

The stem cells laboratory implements the procession, cryo-preservation and preparation to transplantation of stem cells taken from peripheral blood, bone marrow and cord blood.

To avoid the infection all samples are tested before they are processed, and qualitative and quantitative characteristics of stem cells are also assessed. The processing is carried out in A and B class laboratories according to GMP standards. During this processing by means of sedimentation, selection, and centrifugation, hematopoietic stem cells population is taken. Stem cell freezing is carried out gradually with the help of a special freeze-drier which allows the cells to survive maximally. As cryoprotective material dimethylsulfoxide is used. Stem cells are stored in liquid nitrogen at -196˚C.

There is a cryobank in the laboratory where stem cells can be stored for years without loss of biological activity. The laboratory is equipped with a special system that allows controlling the microclimate, the liquid nitrogen level and the microbiological condition.

The laboratory meets international standards, equipped with modern devices, and has a highly qualified staff trained in the field of cell therapy.

Since 2017, the laboratory has provided a new service for prolonged cord blood stem cells storage in liquid nitrogen for individual (family) use.

Armine Pepanyan

Professional Experience

Since   2017 Head of the Stem cells laboratory, CJsC “Center of Haematology named after prof. R.H. Yeolyan” MH RA

Since 2011 Leading Research Associate, CJsC “Center of Haematology named after prof. R.H. Yeolyan” MH RA

2004-2011 Senior Research Associate, CJsC “Center of Haematology named after prof. R.H. Yeolyan” MH RA