Diagnostic laboratory

The head of the department is Laura Muradyan, PhD.

The department has the following laboratories:

  • Morphological

  • Biochemical

  • Hemostasis

Morphological laboratory

Doctors: Zinaida Hayiryan, Liana Martirosyan, Lianna Avetisyan

The work of morphological laboratory has a primary importance in the diagnosis and estimation of blood diseases. It is very important to have high quality of the blood and bone marrow cytological examinations results.

The tests done in the department enable to diagnose (analysis) acute and chronic leukemia, platelets diseases, different type of anemia (congenital and acquired), as well as other oncological diseases (metastasis, bone marrow and other biological fluids).

The following tests (analysis) are done:

  • Complete blood test/count (extended).

  • Cytological examination of bone marrow.

  • Reticulocytes tests

  • Resistance (erythrocytes)

  • Megakaryocytogram

  • Lymph node punctate and mark study

  • Histological study of lymph node

  • Spleen mark study

  • Cytochemical study of bone marrow

  • Morphological studies of the erythrocytes

  • Thick drop of blood test (Malaria detection)

  • Cerebrospinal fluid and other biological fluid examination

Biochemical laboratory

Doctors: Karine Hovsepyan, Ruzanna Abrahamyan

Biochemical Laboratory was founded in 1947. The main task of the laboratory is to do biochemical examinations of blood system as well other organ system diseases, to give accurate diagnosis and follow the course of treatment.

Year after year, the department has been enlarged, the list of tests has been expanded, and the equipment has been modernized. The analyses are carried out using modern technology and equipment, which are in compliance with international standards.

The following biochemical tests are performed:

  • Fetal Hemoglobin (quality)

  • Cholesterol

  • Creatinine

  • Alkaline Phosphatase

  • LDH

  • Albumin

  • Amylase

  • Protein C

  • Glucose (in blood)

  • Sugar in urine

  • Alkaline nitrogen

  • Urea

  • Uric acid

  • Serum’s total proteins and fractions

  • Billirubin

  • Iron

  • GGT

  • ASO

  • Acid-Base Balance

  • Ca+ (ionized)

  • AST

  • ALT

  • Rheumatoid factor

  • Na (in blood)

  • K (in blood)

  • Ca (in blood)

  • HDL

  • LDL

  • Triglycerides

Hemostasis laboratory

Doctor: Gayane Grigoryan

Hemostasis laboratory was founded in 1968.  The main task of the laboratory is to diagnose timely and accurately hemophilia and thrombophilia. The laboratory is equipped with modern devices.

Currently Hemostasis laboratory is a reference laboratory and is controlled by World Federation of hemophilia (WFH). In 2012 and 2018 the laboratory was recognized by WFH as the best in a region and awarded with certificates.

Hemostasis laboratory have great importance not only for Hematology center but also for other medical centers of different medical disciplines (surgical, obstetrical and gynecological, intensive care and other units).

Currently Hemostasis laboratory carries out the following tests:

  • Coagulogram (common)
  • Coagulogram (extended)
  • Thrombocytes level analysis (4 tests)
  • Thrombohemorrhagic syndrome (DBC 4 tests)
  • Detection of factors (each II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI)
  • Detection of Antithrombin (III)
  • Fibrinogen
  • Thrombin time
  • Thrombocytes level analysis (3 tests)
  • Activated Partial Thrombin Time (APTT)
  • Prothrombin level (index time MNO)
  • Detection of bleeding time by IVY method
  • Detection of blood clotting time by Lee-Wright
  • D-Dimer
  • Lupus anticoagulant
  • Fibrin monomers soluble complex (RFMK)
  • Protein S
  • Protein C
  • APC-R Leiden mutation
  • aggregation of platelets with collagen
  • aggregation of platelets with arachidonic acid
  • aggregation of platelets with epinephrine
  • aggregation of platelets with ristocetin
  • the activity of ristocetin cofactor of factor Willybrand
  • VWF: AG Antigen


Laura Muradyan

Professional Experience

Since 1969 works at CJsC "Center of Haematology named after prof. R.H. Yeolyan"

Since 1992 the head of the department of diagnostic laboratory