The head of the laboratory: DIANA SOGHOMONYAN 

The microbiological laboratory was established from the very first days of implementation of blood service as it was highly important to check the sterility of all donor blood.

Gradually the laboratory expanded into a bigger one with a possibility to carry out clinical-diagnostic, microbiological and sanitary tests of blood patients.

The laboratory is equipped with all modern devices.

The laboratory has a unique device in the republic that allows diagnosing sepsis (the presence of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the blood).

The following tests (analysis) are done:

  • Determination of blood sterility by classical method

  • Determination of blood sterility by means of devices (determination of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria)

  • Determination of tuberculosis in the blood (whole blood, serum, plasma) by antibodies.

  • Determination of Leishmania donovani in the blood (whole blood, serum, plasma) by antibodies.

  • Microbiological examination of sputum

  • Microbiological examination of urine

  • Microbiological examination of the oral cavity (gum, tongue, larynx)

  • Microbiological examination of samples taken from eyes, ears and nose

  • Microbiological examination of the wound surface, pus

  • Microbiological examination of a sample taken from the vagina

  • Microbiological examination of punctate

  • Microbiological examination of breast milk

  • Microbiological examination of fecal: dysbiosis

  • Qualitative determination of Helicobacter pylori in fecal 

  • Detection of pinworm

  • Detection of ascarididae

  • Detection of amoeba, giardia

  • Detection of tapeworm segments

Laboratory of Production Quality Control

In 1972 on the base of Microbiological laboratory, under the State control, the laboratory of quality control of blood components, blood products, blood substitutes and conservative solutions was established.

The main task of the laboratory is the systematic control of the quality of blood products in compliance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents.

All production passes systematic control; the possible causes of post transfusion complications and reactions, as well as the causes of poor-quality production are being researched.

The following examinations are done:

  • Determination of the sterility of blood, blood substitutes, blood components and preparations

  • Determination of physicochemical characteristic: quantitative and qualitative (pH, total protein, electrophoresis for purity, etc.)

  • Determination of pyrogenicity

  • Determination of toxicity


Professional Experience

Since 14 March 2019 Head of Laboratory of Microbiology and Production Quality Control, CJsC "Center of Haematology named after prof. R.H. Yeolyan" MH RA