The head of the laboratory is Prof. Doc. Petros Aram Ghazaryan.

The laboratory was established in 1983. In the initial period (1990) the scientific researches were carried out in long-term blood storage department, which supervisor was prof. Doc. Petros A. Ghazaryan. In 1991 the department was renamed to “Biochemistry and Biology Department” .The scientific activities were combined with blood conservation and to prolong terms of preservation issues.

The scientific department was also renamed in 2002 “Problematic Biochemistry Research Laboratory”, which Petros A. Ghazaryan was also its supervisor.

Currently the main works and the activities of this department are financed by Republic of Armenia’s state budget (contractual).

 “Cyanogen group-containing unsaturated basic organic chemicals synthesis endowed by anti-tumor activity and biological activity studies (pre-clinical testing of biochemical research)" (the supervisor of this theme is Doc. Petros A. Ghazaryan ) (Yerevan State University, faculty of pharmaceutical and organic chemistry).

 “The prevalence of blood diseases in Armenia, and their diagnosis, prognosis, the most effective treatment methods formulation and safe transfusion medical aid problems development” (since 2005)(head of the theme Prof. Doc. S. Daghbashyan).

Current trend of problematic Biochemistry Laboratory are:

  • The creation of RA’s patients database which are suffering from blood
  • The detection of pathogenesis mechanisms for blood diseases and development complex researches for most effective treatment.
  • Immunohematological and immunogenetics researches.
  • Screening of newly synthesized and natural origin biologically active substances, pre-clinical testing and the mechanisms of their influence researches, as well as clinical testing of some preparations.

On the base of problematic biochemistry laboratory highly qualified medical (internal diseases) and biological (biochemistry and molecular biology) professionals have been trained. According on the results of the complex researches, about 20 master and PHD degree thesis have been formulated and defended (A. Saharyan, G. Israelyan, S. Daghbashyan, L. Sahakyan, L. Simonyan, A. Asoyan, A. Harutyunyan, A. Pepanyan, V. Ghazaryan and others).

The results of these researches have been successfully introduced in both of educational process and practical medicine.

During of problematic biochemistry laboratory’s activities, more than 500 articles have been published not only in domestic but also in international and foreign journals (over 300 original articles and more than 200 international and domestic conference items).

The activities of research department have been highly assessed by Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Science of RA.

Below please see Armenian Blood and Cancer Journal released by the Hematology Center.  

N 1 (25) 2018

N 2 (24) 2017

N 1 (23) 2017

N 2 (22) 2016

N 1 (21) 2016

N 2 (20) 2015

N 1 (19) 2015

N 2 (18) 2014

N1 (17) 2014